2 sets of Red Dwarf doodles :D
I think I might try and re-read the Harry Potter series this summer.
And by re-read I also mean read half of them all the way through for the first time because before I always had too much to do. This time though..
Only drawback is I can’t find the first book.. Got all the rest though!
Also got to read Don Quixote. Cant forget about that..
This is what sunny days in the garden are for!
Also, dog’s coming home from the vet today! Yay! I’ve missed him all week, poor puppy. He had to go in for castration, a belly button operation AND dew claws, I'm so excited to see him. He's been away for a week and should be back soon.
I also want to do some AirFix kits this summer.. Haha, so fun packed! I swear I have the interests of a freaking 50 year-old. You can blame my parents for that...
Anyway, I think I have a helicopter to do, and I really want another spitfire. Seeing as my Mum broke it's propeller. Actually, she's broke all my planes in some way.. it really sucks. All my models are broke in some way, I need to put them somewhere where she can't reach them with her killer duster.
I love spitfires though, so I definitely want to re-make one.. I think it was the first AirFix I ever did so it would be pretty cool. I think Spitfire's are my favourite plane..
“So, this planet might not be as idyllic as we thought”
“No… Anyway, lets get going. Be careful where you walk” They start walking ahead."
Father's day today. I got my dad a 'Flintstones' shirt, haha. It says 'Who's the Daddy?' And his reaction was 'Haha I love it. Too bad I can't wear it in public'.
And then Mum pointed out that I left the price tag on, knew I'd forget something.. Got a card too, it said 'All people's lives have problems, here's a card from 2 of yours'. Weird how much that fit. So yeah I bought it and my sister signed it as well, as-per the usual regime.. She's meant to pay me back but she never will.. oh well, I don't mind.
Got back home at 1pm today though. I went round my best mate's house for a 'visit' wasn't gonna stay, just took my phone and a tenner incase. Though, I did end up staying and borrowing a shirt, haha. Just stayed up eating sausage & chips and watching movies. We watched a bit of Mean girls, then Taken (that was a good movie. Funny cos I was gonna watch the other week but I didn't think I'd like it.. guess I was in the mood for something else..).
And then we watched this really crap horror movie (if you could even call it that) titled 'Jason X'. It's basically the dude from 'Friday the 13th' (never watched that though) on a space ship, killing random people from the future who wear shrunken knit-wear. It's stupid in the way you can laugh at them trying to be serious though. One of the scenes was really hilarious, and conveniently I made a video to express this:
See? Pretty sure it wasn't just me and my friend who found that bit funny. I mean for a murder scene that's pretty hilarious, or maybe it's just our immature and sick minds..
Then I came home and yeah. Watched another ep of Red Dwarf at lunch (<3) I'm watching them with my family for the first time (though I've watched series 1 through 6 twice, I re-watched all the eps while doing my final piece for my FMP... I think I would of died if I didn't have the boxset..). It was Series 7 Ep 3. Kochanski is kinda gets on my nerves at the moment, though Kryten's dislike of her also makes me laugh (the walk). No Rimmer at the moment though since he's off being 'Ace', that should be interesting when he gets back.. haha.
Oh well, that was my day (: A fun relaxing day full laziness. And it's about time after all the work I did.. you know it actually seemed longer when I was trying to get it all done instead of leaving it to the last minute. Interesting...
I think I should tidy my room, it's kinda grossing me out. And this is me we're talking about, messiest person in the house.
Hm, yeah. But seriously. I'm getting tired of tripping into 'Sock-mountain'. But then again I need to send something to my teacher too.. actually, I should of sent like 3 separate e-mails by now.. oops. I don't like e-mailing teachers...
Anyway, off to bed I go~