Monday, 27 June 2011

(27/06/11) Stupid Rant

Ughhh.. feeling a lot of regret at the moment, but at the same time I'm really excited. A really weird mix of feelings.

I bidded for this thing on eBay, a Red Dwarf Space Corps book, signed by 9 cast members, including Chris Barrie and Craig Charles, they're brilliant..
At the moment it's only got 1 bid, mine. For £45. That's pretty good! Considering one of Craig Charles can go for £70. (Typing all this rational stuff is actually making me regret it less now haha). Anyways, I think the only reason I'm feeling regret is because of my parents. Of course, I can't withdraw now, and they keep going on about how it's a waste of money. When really it's a massive bargain, and I'll probably cherish it forever. Haha
It's just, my parents always have a way of getting to me. Acting as if I do this all the time, when in reality I don't spend very much at all. I hate spending money (which is probably another reason why it's so easy to make me regret these things).

My sister takes violin and piano lessons so whenever she passes another grade she gets a video game, and uses her own money. She's had about 4 this year. I've been saving up money since before Christmas, at the moment in total I have around £150. I don't buy shoes excessively, I don't even buy clothes excessively. I don't really buy anything excessively apart from comic books. And when did I last buy a comic book... about, 3 months ago? I can't remember the last big thing I bought myself and I don't see how my Dad can say I spend too much when he buys all this electric equipment. Including speakers, CD's, DVDs, Blu-Rays... he has 2 ipods. He's always getting parcels in the post, and it's on his pension, he isn't employed or anything.. Plus most of my grades this year in college were distinctions and merits. I think I deserve something!! Anyway I'm using my own money to buy it, so why not? Just pisses me off sometimes...

He says I could buy my own book and get it signed at a convention. We don't go to any conventions! The only conventions I've been to are dog ones at Krufts. I mean, if I knew we were going to one I would've bought the book to take with me but we're not are we? Anyway, if in the future I do go to one, I'll get them to sign it again, on a different page addressed to me instead. Anyway, after this little expenditure I probably won't anything else for the rest of Summer, haha.
Okay, end of rant. Phew.

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